
From Krista, a bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ, following His footsteps into the nations, which are my inheritance. May He grant you peace and joy according to His great pleasure over you.  (This was another homework assignment. We had to write our own personal greeting like Paul did when he wrote letters.)

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.” Psalm 19:1-4

This past week our guest teachers were Martin & Rebekah Neil, a couple from England. They carry a heart for the nations, have traveled all over the world, and he is an amazing drummer. He often uses his drums to form a relationship with different people groups, as drums can be found in almost any culture on earth.

Feeling called to the nations myself, I loved their class. The first day they taught, they talked about God’s heart for all nations on earth. Even beginning in Genesis, He promises Abraham, Issac, & Jacob, that He will bless them, but also that He will bless all the nations of the earth through them (Gen. 12:2-3, 26:4, 28:13-14). After recently being convicted by God about picking and choosing which nations I would be called to, my heart was moved and connecting to everything they said. When we read Acts 2:5, I couldn’t believe I had never really noticed before that it says there were men from every nation in Jerusalem at that time. I can’t even fathom what that would look like or how that would be possible in that time. But, if I believe God’s Word is true (and doesn’t exaggerate details), then that means I have to believe it’s true. But what’s even more amazing is that God, in His love, waited to pour out His Spirit until a time when at least 1 person was present from every nation of the earth, and He let them know what was going on by letting them hear the explanation in their own languages.

God has also recently been convicting me of having a spirit of the fear of man. Over the past few years I have noticed it at different times, got a little frustrated, and forgot about it. But lately, it’s infuriating me. Why do I care so much what people think of me??? I mean, God is so great, loving, and wonderful, and yet I often care more about what people will think of me instead of just giving God what He’s asking of me. The times I see this most is when I’m worshiping. A desire begins to well up inside of me to worship with abandon, but I get too worried about looking weird or crazy, and I hold back my worship from God. How crazy is that?! So, now that I’ve recognized it, I’m fed up with it and it’s just got to go. Last night, we hosted a worship night in the capital city. Before we got there, I asked one of my classmates to pray over me, for freedom in worship and victory over the fear of man. As worship started, I found myself at the very front, worshiping God with more freedom and abandon than I have in a long time!!! We came to a line in the first song that said, “Chasing fear away”. I’d already been feeling more free, but when we got to that part, I decided it was time to just chase

Worshiping God together.

the fear away. It was such a great feeling to not even care about what I looked like, what people around me were doing, or anything else – I was just worshiping my God! I know this is going to be a process of breaking free, but I feel like God is already giving me new freedom. For me, one of the biggest parts of overcoming this fear, is just loving God more. Because, if I love Him more, I won’t care what people think.

We’re just starting our 4th week of school, but already I see God doing so much in me. It’s hard to articulate it all, as I feel like it is going to be a slow and gentle work over the course of the entire school. But I feel it on the inside, and see small signs of it on the outside.

Praise God, My tuition has been fully paid!!! Thank you so much to everyone who gave for that! God has been so faithful to provide and I’m so grateful for the each and every one of you who has prayed and given. I still have the outreach fee to pay, which is $2160 and due in April. If you would like to help me be able to pay the remaining balance for outreach, please go to the ‘About’ page on the blog, for donation details. I am so grateful for all that God has already begun to do in me, and so expectant for what He still has planned! This journey has been such an amazing journey, and I know it will continue to be amazing here during the school, and even beyond these 5 months.

May you daily see His blessings and freedom in your life.
Blessings from Cyprus,

View from a nearby mountain

Shabbat with some of my classmates.

One thought on “Freedom

  1. You already had a beautiful heart for God, but I am so thankful and happy for you that you’re going deeper in intimacy. What a blessed and exciting time in your life! Thanks for posting the pictures. I espeicially loved seeing your beautiful face! Mom

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